ملخص الدرس / الأولى ثانوي/اللغة الإنجليزية/UNIT 4/Innovation and Technology

Adjectives derived from names of sciences

to be able to stress names of sciences ending in ‘-y’ and the adjectives derived from them ending in ‘-al’.

Names of sciences

Adjectives derived from names of sciences

Technology             /teknɒlәdʒɪ/

Ecology                  /ɪkɒlәdʒɪ/

Geology                 /dʒɪɒlәdʒɪ/

Sociology               /səʊʃɪɒlәdʒɪ/

Biology                 /baɪɒlәdʒɪ/

Hydrology            /haɪdrɒlәdʒɪ/

Anthropology       /æn rәpɒlәdʒɪ/

Bacteriology       /bæktɪәrɪɒlәdʒɪ/

Technological           /teknәlɒdʒɪkәl/

Ecological                 /ɪkәlɒdʒɪkәl/

Geological                /dʒɪәlɒdʒɪkәl/

Sociological             /səʊʃɪәlɒdʒɪkәl/

Biological                /baɪәlɒdʒɪkәl/

Hydrological            /haɪdrәlɒdʒɪkәl/

Anthropological      /æn rәpәlɒdʒɪkәl/

Bacteriological       /bæktɪәrɪәlɒdʒɪkәl/

the futur perfect:

We use the futur perfect to predict that an action will already be completed at a particular time in the futuer .the future perfect is often used with by, wich means at or before.


A- By 2050,electronic information technology will have transformed world business.

in sentence Aabove,the action is predicted to happen before2050, but in sentence B below the action is predicted to happen exactly in 2050.

B- in 2050,electronic information technology will transform world.

pronunciation rules for final -s:

You pronounce the final s as /iz/ in the word ends in one of the following sounds:/s/miss, /z/buss, /§/washes, /ts/ watches, /d3/manages ,/3/ garages.

if a word ends in any other voiceless consonant sounds /k/,/f/,/p/, /θ/,/t/.you pronounce the final s as /s/.

if a word ends in any other voiced consonant sounds /b/, /d/, /g/, /l/,/m/,/n/,//,/r/,/t/,/v/.or a vowel sound you pronouncethe final s as /z/

advantages and drawbacks

Energy Places Advantages / drawbacks

deserts - areas with a lot of sun

clean but intermittent (= not permanent)


coasts - mountains - plains

clean but intermittent and noisy 


bays - marshes - beaches

clean but expensive and destructive to environment


urban dumps - big farms

trash-consuming but air polluting and expensive



places with a lot of water


clean but too demanding in terms of water 




areas with high mountain ranges and rivers


the cleanest but also the most expensive