ملخص الدرس / الثالثة متوسط/اللغة الإنجليزية/File 1/ Frequency adverbs : Always - Never

Talking about what I don't) like or what I'm (not) interested in (my interests)

To talk about the things I(don't) like or I'm (not) interested in, I can say: 

"I'm (not) a fan of .........."

"I'm (not) fond of ........." 

"I'm (not) interested in .........." 

"I'm (not) keen on ..........

eg: Enzo isn't a real fan of Sudoku.

Adamou's fond of bird watching

Maria's interested in all kinds of plants, flowers and trees.

She's very keen on botany.


To ask other people about their interests:


To ask other people about their interests:

To ask other people about their interests, I can say: 

"What are you interested in?"

"What are your interests?"

"What are you most interested in?"

"What do you like most?"

To talk about interests or personality:

To talk about interests or personality, I can also use frequency adverbs like: "always" or "never":

We use these adverbs to describe how frequently we do an activity or to say how often things happen.

"Always" and "never" are antonyms (opposites). 

To ask about the frequency of an activity, I use the question words:

"How often.......?"

 eg: How often does Enzo read mangas?

He always reads them in his free time.

 Birdwatchers are very patient. They never get bored.


frequency adverb:

I write the frequency adverb after "to be".

I write the frequency adverb before the other verbs.

 eg: Maria is always respectful towards nature. 

Adamou never gets bored of watching birds.






Talking about my personality (what kind of person I am):

To talk about or describe my (or someone else's) personality features or traits, I can use the following adjectives: 

- cool         - patient      - shy

- calm         - nervy       - tidy

- sociable     -friendly      - Smart

- respectful   - messy        - outgoing

- hard           -working        -perseverant       - lazy

eg: Enzo can't understand Sudoku. He isn't very smart.

Adamou's a cool boy. He's not nervy at all.

Maria and Adamou are respectful towards nature.

Nadia isn't messy. She's tidy and organised.

She's also friendly and outgoing.


To ask about people's personality:

To ask about people's personality, I can say:

"What kind of person are you?"

"What type of person are you?"

"How would you describe yourself?

"Can you tell me more about your personality?"

eg: How would you describe yourself, Maria?

Hmm ... I think I'm like Adamou. I'm very calm.


adjectives used to describe personality:

Some of the adjectives used to describe personality features form their antonyms (opposites) by adding a prefix.

 eg: patient≠ impatient

 respectful ≠disrespectful

friendly≠ unfriendly

 tidy ≠ untidy