ملخص الدرس / الرابعة متوسط/اللغة الإنجليزية/File 1/Words and sounds

the pronunciation of some words:

The following letters may be silent in the pronunciation of some words:

b,c,d, g, h, k, l, m, n, p, s, t, w"B" is silent in the combinations 'mb' & 'bt' at the end of the word.

Aplomb, Limb, Succumb, Bomb, Thumb, Comb, Dumb, Plumber, Tomb, Crumb, Lamb, Subtle, Womb Debt, Doubt 

"C" is silent in 'sc' at the beginning of a word before 'i', 'e', 'i'.

Scenario, Scent, Scissors, Scepter, Scene, Scientist, Scythe, Scenery, Corpuscle, Descend, Muscle,

But it is pronounced in:

Sceptic 'skeptik] "D" is silent in these words.

Handkerchief, Handsome, Wednesday

"G" is silent in 'gm' at the end of a word & in 'gn' at the beginning or end of a word: Diaphragm, Paradigm, Phlegm, Assign, Benign, Campaign, Consign, Deign, Design, Ensign, Foreign, Malign, Reign, Resign, Sign ✓ Gnarled, Gnash, Gnat, Gnaw, Gnome, Gnu,


But it is pronounced in:

Dignity, indignation, resignation, signal, signature - 

"H" is silent in these words:

 Rhetoric, Rheumatism, Rhinoceros, Rhyme, Rhythm, What, When, Where, Why,

Wheat, Whale, Wheel, Whether, Which, While, Whimper Whine, Whinge, Whip, Whisper Whistle, White, Exhaust, Exhibition Ghetto, Ghost, Heir, Honor Hour,

Scheme, School, Vehicle

 "K” is silent at the beginning of a word when followed by 'n':

Knack, Knee, Knit, Knife, Knock, Knot, Know, Knowledge, Knag, Knickers, Knight, Knob, Knops, Knuckle, Knur, Knapsack - 

"L" is silent in these words:

Could, Should, Would, Behalf, Calf, Half, Chalk, Folk, Stalk, Talk, Walk, Yolk,  Calm, Palm, Psalm

"M" is silent in the following:

Mnemonic, Mnemonics, Mnemonist

N” is silent in the combination mn' at the end of the words:

Autumn, Condemn, Hymn, Column, Damn, Solemn, Bedamn, Contemn, Goddamn, Limn, And in: Government

"p” is silent in the combination 'ps' & 'pn’at the beginning of a word.

Psalm, Pseudonym, Psychiatrist, Psychic, Psychologist, Psychopath, Psychosis, Psalmody, Psaltery ✓ Pneumatic, Pneumonia,

And in these words:

Corps, Cupboard, Coup, Pterodactyl, Raspberry, Receipt,

 "S" is silent in the following in these words: Aisle, island, corps, bourgeois

- "T" is silent in the following: Castle, Hustle, thistle, Wrestle, Whistle, Chasten, Fasten, Listen, Moisten, Chestnut, Christmas, Debut, Mortgage, Mustn't, Often, Rapport, Soften, Bristle, Bristly, Cabaret, Cachet, Gourmet, Ballet, Sorbet, Crochet, Duvet, Ricochet, ...

"W" is silent in the following:  Who, Whole, Wholly, Whose, Wrath, Wrangle, Wrap, Wrath, Wreak, Wreath, Wreathe, Wreck, Wretched, Wrench, Wrinkle, Writ, Write, Writhe, Wrist, Wrong, Answer, Sword, Two

"GH" is silent in the following:

Although, Bright, Daughter, Height, High, Neighbor, Night, Right, Sight, Through, Tight, Tighten, Straight, Weigh, Weight,

"U" is silent in the following

Build, guess, guide, guilty, guitar ...