ملخص الدرس / الأولى متوسط/اللغة الإنجليزية/File 02/the jobs - Articles : *a* *an* *the*

The indefinite articles (a/an)


When we mention the word for the first time:

I meet girl in the street.

I saw an animal in the street.

I saw a university.

I took an umbrella.



The definite articles (the)


When the word is mentionned for the second time:

Yesterday, I bought a shirt. The shirt was blue.

The shirt that I bought yesterday was blue.

When the word is known and unique: The south, the north pole...etc

Superlatives: The best, The easiest...etc

Zero articles:

When the word is general: Water is vital for * life.

2Plural nouns:

She saw * dogs in the street.

We must find * solutions to lower this problem.

I like * cats.

Fill the gaps with 'a', 'an' or 'the'